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New Moon Observance Disproves A Recurring 7th Day Sabbath


Updated: Jan 17, 2019

I know you were told that 'New Moon' observance isn't Scriptural or that it is no longer valid / applicable. Guess were lied to / misled once again; continue reading as we PROVE it is STILL required by COMMANDMENT and how it's practice destroys the observance of a repeating 7-day Satur-day Sabbath!!

Despite our modern day practice; Scripture does NOT say every SINGLE RECURRING 7th day is a Sabbath Day!! Nor does it in ANY WAY correlate our MODERN calendar and it's 7th day to that during the times of Messiah! As we have said before; the problem for many of us is the #7 itself; it has blinded us from the reality of the command. By ONLY observing Sabbath on Satur-day; you are NO LONGER following Scripture but an ancient pagan rite which honors the pagan 'god' Saturn.

"Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but the [NEXT] day is the Sabbath of Yahuwah thy El; in it thou shalt not do any work" --Exodus 20:9-10

Yes, it mentions the 7th day; but the 7th day starting from what point of origin?! From the 1st day of the year?? From the 1st day of creation? Surely, you jest?! So when do we begin our count? Is it apart of an ancient, long forgotten never-ending, repeating 7-day cycle?? Or is it from the 1st day of the New Year??

The practical answer to this question is the last observed Sabbath day! Isn't that our real-life application?! Isn't that in essence what Scripture teaches us?? As soon as one Sabbath is complete, we begin our 'working day' count. Therefore, if we remove the #7 from our brains we should clearly see that we count 6 days then a Sabbath rest; count 6 more days then a Sabbath rest, etc. From Sabbath to Sabbath we are allowed a maximum 6 working days followed by a Sabbath of rest. However, without a proper understanding / application of ‘New Moon’ observance; one falls back into vain worship! For without 'New Moon' observance on it's CORRECT DAY; one cannot properly observe Yah’s Sabbaths! Therefore, we must bring to your attention; the UNDENIABLE and integral part that the ‘new moon’ played in ancient Yahshar'elite life (Psalm 81:3-4, 1 Chronicles 23:31, Isaiah 1:13-15).

"I will also cause all her mirth to cease her feast days, her New Moons[2320] and her Sabbaths and all her solemn feasts." --Hosea 2:11

"Let no man therefore judge you in food or in drink; or in respect of a Feast Day or of the New Moon[2320] or of the Sabbath days." --Colossians 2:16

"For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me….it shall come to pass, that from one New Moon[2320] to another and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith Yahuwah." --Isaiah 66:22-23

Why would Yah consistently compare and speak of 'New Moon' observance if it wasn't an ancient practice of the Yahshar'elites?? Therefore, if it is clear that ‘new moon’ observance was once apart of past Yahshar'elite life and shall be apart of our FUTURE (so says YAH Himself); then why is it currently IGNORED AND FORGOTTEN by those of our modern day?!

So IIF we obey Scripture and follow the example of our ancestors as documented within Scripture; it will be impossible to continually observe a never-ending, repeating Satur-day Sabbath Day!!

Now the Lunar Sabbatarian’s would have us to believe that the previous verses clearly prove that the observance of the moon and it’s phases were an ancient Yahshar'elite practice. And if one only had access to the English translations; I would have to agree, however, thank Yah we have access to the original Hebrew which demonstrates something very different.

As we just saw in Scripture, the phrase ‘New Moon’ is Strongs #2320, Khodesh in Hebrew….and it means month or ‘new month / renewal’. Despite the lying pen of the scribes wherein they erroneously translated it as ‘new moon’!

The actual Hebrew word for moon is Yareach/Yarach Strongs #3394….meaning simply moon, as in the heavenly body. So why didn’t Yah use the ACTUAL Hebrew word for moon in our previous passages IIF it was about the moon and not the MONTH?? Notice Yareach is referenced approximately 26 different times in the ‘Old Testament’! Clearly there is a different / distinct Hebrew word for ‘moon’ and it was NOT used in reference to the ‘new MONTH’ although the English translators would have us to believe that it was so!

Additionally, there are many complications that arise if one strictly uses the moon for the determination of the start and length of the months on Yah’s Calendar. First of all, there is NOT a single verse that can be found within Scripture which instructs the Lunar Sabbatarian’s HOW to observe the moon and it’s different phases! There is NOT a single verse that can be found within Scripture which instructs the Lunar Sabbatarian’s HOW to account for the 11 day difference between the solar and lunar cycles (so that the monthly cycle is in harmony with the yearly cycle). There is NOT a single verse that can be found within Scripture which instructs us to OBSERVE the moon for ANY purpose whatsoever! In fact the Book Of Jubilees warns / cautions AGAINST observing the moon for the appointed seasons! (Jubilees 6:34-38)

The Hebrew root word of ‘Khodesh’, is ‘Chadash’ , Strongs #2318. Chadash means ‘to be new, renew, repair’; hence the phrase ‘new month’. Now when you combine that with the actual definition of Khodesh as a month or more precisely the 1st Day of the Month; then it is more than clear to us that ‘new moonshould have been translated as ‘New Month’.

The ‘New Month’ is the 1st day of each Month on Yah’s Calendar. It was a day that became a celebration of sorts amongst our ancestors. Yah even required certain ‘offerings’ to be given on that day. If you carefully go thru Numbers 28:11-15 and read each offering you will notice that the ‘New Month’ offering is exactly the same as the Feast Day Offerings. (Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Tabernacles, etc.) Are those days not Sabbaths of rest as well?? Although many claim there is no specific / direct command within Scripture for observing the New Month as a Sabbath; we disagree....

“Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Month, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. For this is a statute for Yahshar'el, a Law of the El of Jacob.” --Psalm 81:3-4

Now maybe I’m crazy…but doesn’t that sound like a command / law to you?! This was NOT just about the blowing of the trumpets; notice Scripture called it ‘our solemn feast day’!!

Now some 7th Day Sabbatarian’s will tell you that this was only referring to the Feast Of Trumpets in the 7th Month when no such relation is made in Scripture! And speaking of trumpets… isn’t it interesting that Scripture commands the ‘blowing of trumpets’ on New Month Day?!

"And Yahuwah spoke to Moses, saying Make two silver trumpets…you shall use them for calling the congregation…the priests, shall blow the trumpets and these shall be to you as AN ORDINANCE FOREVER throughout your generations.…Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days and in the BEGINNINGS OF YOUR MONTHS....that they may be to you for a memorial before your El; I am Yahuwah your El." --Numbers 10:1-10

Therefore, to claim that Psalm 81:3-4 is only referring to the 7th Month is clearly and patently false!! For as we just read from Scripture, the blowing of the trumpet is to occur on ALL New Month Days forever ever!

“Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Month, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. For this is a statute for Yahshar'el, a Law of the El of Jacob.” --Psalm 81:3-4

So there we have Yah commanding for the calling of the assembly on New Month Day, a High Sabbath Day by Statute and Law! Aren’t Yah’s statutes’ just as important to keep as His Laws?? Are they not at least similar to a ‘Law’?? Are they not just as binding??

"Therefore you shall observe ALL My statutes and ALL My judgments and perform them, I am Yahuwah."

--Leviticus 19:37

I can do this all day people...… 😎

Observe the month[2320] of Abib and keep the Passover to Yahuwah your El.” --Deuteronomy 16:1

Although this verse reads fine as translated; however, we feel it misses a huge point. Now we know that the month of ‘Abib' is the 1st Month on the Hebrew Calendar and we previously read, that khodesh actually refers to the ‘new month’. Additionally, we know that the ‘new month’ always refers to the 1st day of the month; therefore an even better translation would be…

Observe the [1st Day of the Month] of Abib and keep the Passover to Yahuwah your El.”

Therefore, we should now clearly see that Yah has commanded us to perform two different tasks:

#1) Observe the 1st day of the 1st Month of the New Year #2) Keep the Passover

These two events are not synonymous; they are 13 days apart!! One occurs on the 1st day the other on the 14th day! Now we all know that Yah has many more set-apart days than these two for which we are required to observe. So the question is; why would these two dates be especially important, if at all?? It is our belief that they are especially important because…..

1) The Passover is a memorial service of our ancestors emancipation from Egyptian bondage into service unto Yah the Father! Additionally, for those of us since the days of Messiah; it is also a memorial of His sacrifice which atones for our sins and reconciles us with Yah!

2) Now as to the 1st Day of the 1st Month; it officially marks our New Years Day! It is the single most important date on Yah’s Calendar; for if one miscalculates / misses this day / date then ALL of the other Sabbaths will be thrown off!!

For how else can one know, when the 15th day of the 7th month begins; unless one has CORRECTLY established, the 1st day of the 1st month of the year?! Every weekly and yearly Sabbath Day is dependent upon the correct establishment of the 1st Day of the Year! Therefore, I dare say, that it is THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF THE YEAR!!

Without those two events (forgiveness / reconciliation and obedience / observance of all Sabbath Days) we would remain as the pagans; separated from Yah appointed to His Judgment and/or Fury!

"Speak also to the Children of Yahshar'el saying; 'Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am Yahuwah thy El, who sets you apart'." --Exodus 31:13

And we proclaim that New Month Day is one of those Sabbaths!! Now outside of the verses we read in Psalms (81:3-4) and Deut. 16:1, we concede that there is no other direct command for New Month observance as a Sabbath. However……as you just read in many passages above; Scripture tells us that it was definitely a practice, if not a Law/statute!!

"Therefore you shall observe ALL My statutes and ALL My judgments and perform them, I am Yahuwah."

--Leviticus 19:37

Observe the [1st Day of the Month] of Abib....” --Deuteronomy 16:1

“Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Month, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. For this is a statute for Yahshar'el, a Law of the El of Jacob.”

--Psalm 81:3-4

How many ways / times do you need Yah to tell you something before you obey?! Do NOT listen to the objections of men; hear the Words of Scripture….

"When will the New Month be past, that we may sell grain? And the Sabbath, that we may trade wheat?"

--Amos 8:5

"Thus says Yahuwah thy El, The gateway of the inner court….shall be shut six working days but on the Sabbath it shall be opened and on the day of the New Month it shall be opened." --Ezekiel 46:1

"So he said, ‘Why are you going to him today? It is neither the New Month nor the Sabbath’...”

--2 Kings 4:23

"Bring no more vain oblations…the New Months and Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot [bear]...your New Months and your appointed feasts My soul hateth…[for] your hands are full of blood."

--Isaiah 1:13-15

"I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her New Months and her Sabbaths and all her solemn feasts." --Hosea 2:11

“…at the feasts, the New Months, the Sabbaths and at all the appointed seasons of the House of Yahshar'el …" --Ezekiel 45:17

"For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me….it shall come to pass, that from one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith Yahuwah." --Isaiah 66:22-23

Is Scripture not screaming that the 1st Day of the Month is a Sabbath Day?! Clearly, we have proved thru many Scriptural verses; that the ‘New Month’ was treated as a Sabbath Day!! Exactly Seven(7) Scriptural verses which parallel weekly Sabbath observance and New Month observance!! Still think there’s nothing here to see folks?! Certainly you must now see, that the New Month is one of the appointed seasons of Yah! I get it, it's 'hard' to accept / do something that no one / very, very few are doing. However, remember the words / warning of Messiah....

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it."

--Matthew 7:13-14

"For MANY are called, but FEW are chosen." --Matthew 22:14

"....How long refuse ye to keep My Commandments and My Laws?" --Exodus 16:28

According to Scripture, the 1st day of every Month is to be observed as a High Sabbath Day. Then after that High Sabbath has passed; we can begin our 'working day' count starting on the 2nd day of the month. Barring any other predetermined High Sabbaths (as observed in the 1st and 7th Months); we are to observe the weekly Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of each Biblical month. (6 working days then a Sabbath) This exact pattern is repeated throughout all months with the exception of the 1st and 7th Months; which contain the spring and fall feast days respectively (Passover / Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Day Of Atonement, etc.)

Folks, there is SO MUCH MORE.....please be sure to watch our 3-part series on the TRUE Biblical Calendar!!


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