Now IIF you don't really care whether or not you are actually observing Yahuwah's Sabbath Day according to the Command; keep it moving, we'll speak again on Judgment Day!! If you realize you may be lacking some SOLID proof or even if you think you already know the 'whole truth'; stick around you just may learn a thing or two! š

Now if u ask the typical Sabbath Keeper why they observe Satur-day as the Sabbath of Yahuwah; they will most likely say 'it's the 7th day of the week'! Now for nearly 30years I followed the same FLAWED LOGIC!! This was mostly due to my ignorance of the TRUE history of the modern pagan week! Now prior to my awakening regarding our TRUE heritage; I trusted in the Satur-day Sabbath tradition of the Jews; as I falsely believed they were the Children of Yahshar'el. Sp if the Jews worshipped on Satur-day there must be some truth in it' or so I thought! Additionally, others may also point out that the Romans / Catholic Church CHANGED the Sabbath from Satur-day to Sun-day; thusly proving that Satur-day MUST BE the TRUE Sabbath of Yahuwah! Why else would those 'devils' change it, right?! First, it must be known that the famous Roman edict of Constantine DID NOT EVER mention 'Satur-day'! It was written IN LATIN not English and he used the word SABBATO as in SABBATH NOT 'dies Saturni' (as in Satur-day)! YES, that is correct! He NEVER actually said 'Satur-day'; look it up, it can EASILY be confirmed! Once again, Constantine / the Catholic Church NEVER āchangedā the Sabbath from Satur-day to Sun-day but from the SABBATO to Sun-day!! Lastly, the more 'astute' will also tell you, it is said that when the Romans decided to attack 'the Jews' at the Temple in 70AD; that they decided to do so on a 'Satur-day' because 'the Jews' were known to worship on that day and WOULD NOT raise arms to fight against them! Thereby once again, supposedly providing more proof that it was a KNOWN PRACTICE of our ancestors of observing a 'Satur-day' Sabbath! The same group may then point out that Messiah NEVER challenged those of His day regarding their Sabbath observance! The assumption being that the day WE KNOW call 'Satur-day' fell upon the same day as the Biblical 7th day which our ancestors observed 'way back then'! And these supposed 'facts' / reasons mentioned above, encompass 'the whole defense' of those who cling to a 'Satur-day' Sabbath! The problem with ALL of those 'facts', is that they are TOO EASILY DISPROVEN!! Yep, they are easily disproven by a BASIC inquiry into the history of our modern 7-Day Planetary Week!! Now again, IIF you don't really care whether or not you are actually observing His Sabbath according to the Command; keep it moving AND KNOW that I WILL see you on Judgment Day!! However, IIF you care about PROPERLY observing the Ways of Yahuwah ACCORDING TO TRUTH; please continue with us! Any decent reference source will tell you that the world HAS NOT always observed a 7-day week! Many countries have observed a varying number of days for their weekly cycles. Those cycles are said to have ranged from as few as 3 days to up to as many as 10 days! Believe it or not, but the modern basis for a 7-day week IS NOT ascribed to the Bible but THE BABYLONIANS!! Getting into the details of it's history will get us way off course; therefore, I will briefly say that the 7-day 'Planetary Week' is said to have started with the Babylonians and was later adopted by the Romans! The Romans thru their conquests of the European nations spread this practice throughout Europe. The British who eventually rose from the 'disbanded' Roman Empire continued this practice and further spread it throughout Asia, Africa and eventually the Americas! Most of the world has now adopted the Roman 'planetary week' for ECONOMIC REASONS nothing more! Additionally, any good reference source will also tell you that Rome observed AN EIGHT DAY WEEK during the life/times of Messiah!! This week was noted by LETTERS not numbers and had NO CORRELATION to our modern 7-day Planetary Week!! So WHY are they SO SURE that the day WE KNOW CALL 'Satur-day' matches the 7th day Sabbath of Yahuwah when IT WAS NOT EVEN IN USE DURING HIS LIFE?!?! Or do they NOT REALLY CARE if you are observing His Sabbath IN TRUTH according to Command?!?!

Found at the Baths of Titus constructed A.D. 79 ā 81; The center circle contains the 12 signs of the zodiac, corresponding to the 12 months of the year. The Roman numerals in the left and right columns indicate the days of the month. Across the top of the calendar appears the 7 planetary 'gods' of the pagan Romans. Saturday (or Saturni, the day of Saturn) was the very 1ST DAY OF THE WEEK; NOT the 7th. The others follow in order: Solis (day of the Sun, Sunday); LunƦ (day of the Moon, Mon.); Martis (day of Mars, Tues.); Mercurii (day of Mercury, Wed.); Jovis (day of Jupiter, Thurs.) and Veneris (day of Venus, Friday.), the 7TH DAY of the Roman week! But WAIT, there's more......
Believe it or not, but the Romans are known to have had 3 DIFFERENT VERSIONS of the 7-day 'planetary week'!! Each one has A DIFFERENT 7TH DAY!! This needs repeating; EACH VERSION HAS A DIFF 7th DAY!! One version has Mon-day, another has Fri-day and of course today, we have Satur-day. So HOW ON EARTH, can they claim, the day they NOW CALL Satur-Day is the same as the Biblical Sabbath Day when their 7 day week has undergone at least THREE different orderings of itās weekdays?!

It is said that the pagans observed the speed at which the planets crossed the sky and concluded that the fastest object must have the shortest distance to the Earth, while the slowest object was believed to be farthest away; hence the order of the weekdays presented above.
So when the Roman Emperor Constantine, declared that Christians should 'no longer Judaize on Sabbato'; was he referring to their weekly calendar which had 'Mon-day' as the 7th day, 'Fri-day' as their '7th day' or 'Satur-day' as their '7th day'?!?! How about when the Romans claimed that they decided to attack Yahshar'el on their 'worship day'; was that when 'Mon-day' was the 7th day on the Roman Calendar or when 'Fri-day' was their '7th day' or was it when 'Satur-day' was their '7th day'?!?!
We hope that you can now FULLY AND CLEARLY see why you cannot rely upon nor look to a pagan calendar to tell you anything about the TRUE Calendar of Yahuwah!! So HOW does one observe the '7th-Day' Sabbath of Yahuwah in TRUTH according to Scripture?!

Now the typical 7th Day Sabbatarian will observe each and every week in a repeating, never-ending cycle of 7s as demonstrated above. And if we ask the typical 7th Day Sabbatarian, if six workings days are required BEFORE observing the Weekly Sabbath; I think we can all agree their answer would be / SHOULD BE YES! However, letās suppose the Day of Atonement fell upon the 4th Work day of the weekly cycle one year. I think we all agree that the Day of Atonement is a Holy Sabbath Day wherein NO WORK is to be performed!

Now IIF a Yearly Sabbath of Yahuwah fell upon Wednes-day; would Thurs-day, the 5th day of the week, be your 5th day OF WORK?! Of course NOT! So what do you do?? Again, the typical 7th Day Sabbatarian will still rest on Satur-day regardless of how many days of work were performed in-between! They will essentially IGNORE the observance of the High Sabbath Day and still act as if they have worked 6 days!! However, is that truly logical?! Is that TRULY SCRIPTURAL?! IIF you DO NOT count the Sabbath Day as a āwork dayā, WHY would you count the High/Yearly Sabbath as a āwork dayā?! And IIF you are NOT counting the Day Of Atonement (Wednes-day in our scenario) as a Work-Day (as you should not) then YOU ARE NOT obeying the Command as given by Yahuwah by still resting on Satur-day!!
"SIX DAYS thou shalt do thy work and on the seventh day thou shalt rest..." --Exodus 23:12
"What thing soever I command you, [be careful to] observe to do it; THOU SHALT NOT ADD THERETO, NOR DIMINISH FROM IT." --Deuteronomy 12:32 In our REAL-LIFE SCENARIO above, the typical 7th Day Sabbatarian would be diminishing / TAKING AWAY from the Command of Yahuwah; by WORKING ONLY 5 DAYS AT BEST before observing a ā7TH DAYā Sabbath of Yahuwah!! "SIX DAYS thou shalt do thy work and on the seventh day thou shalt rest..." --Exodus 23:12 "SIX DAYS THOU SHALT LABOUR...." --Exodus 20:9 Even IIF you are CONTINUING YOUR PREVIOUS COUNT, then Thurs-day would be your FOURTH DAY of work! Therefore, by the time Satur-day comes around; you will find that you HAVE NOT worked 6 days but AT MOST 5 days! IIF you DO NOT count the Sabbath Day as a āwork dayā, then YOU CANNOT count the High/Yearly Sabbath as a āwork dayā either!! "SIX DAYS THOU SHALT LABOUR and do all thy work." --Exodus 20:9 Instead of PRECISELY following the Words of Yahuwah; what the 7th Day Sabbatarians have done is worship / observe A SPECIFIC DAY OF THE WEEK; regardless of whether or not another Sabbath is observed before their Weekly Sabbath Day arrives!! However, shouldnāt one at least āaddā another work day; so that they may fulfill the SPECIFIC requirement of Yahuwah of WORKING SIX DAYS THEN a rest on the 7th Day?! Or to be more precise; should they RESTART THEIR WORKING DAY COUNT after the observance of Yahās High Sabbath Day?! "SIX DAYS THOU SHALT LABOUR..." --Exodus 20:9 Therefore, a few IMPORTANT questions arise; āAre we to āSTRICTLYā observe the ā7th Dayā (regardless of whether or not we observe a High Sabbath before the ā7th dayā)?? Or is it a āstrictā CONSECUTIVE count of 6 working days and then a ā7th dayā rest?? "SIX DAYS thou shalt do thy work and on the seventh day thou shalt rest..." --Exodus 23:12 "What thing soever I command you, [be careful to] observe to do it; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." --Deuteronomy 12:32 "SIX DAYS THOU SHALT LABOUR and do all thy work." --Exodus 20:9 Now I already hear the voice of many of you saying; ābut Satur-day is the 7th Dayā! Frist you must understand that the 7-day weekly cycle WAS NOT UNIVERSAL!! Many countries/regions observed as few as THREE DAYS to as many as TEN DAYS in their weekly cycles! The Romans (from whom we get our modern day weekly and yearly calendars) actually observed AN 8-DAY WEEK DURING THE LIFE/TIMES OF MESSIAH!! Their days were denoted BY LETTERS NOT NAMES NOR NUMBERS!! When they officially adopted the MODERN VERSION of the Babylonian 7-day week IT WAS HUNDREDS OF YEARS AFTER THE DEATH OF MESSIAH!! So which is correct?? Mon-day, Friday or Satur-day?! Truth is you should not observe EITHER as you are counting the 7th Day OF THE PAGAN WEEKLY CYCLE NOT THE BIBLICAL WEEK!! That FACT needs repeating; YOU ARE OBSERVING THE 7TH DAY OF A PAGAN WEEK!! IIF you KNOW that Passover is not observed on January 14th (14th day of the 1st Month on the Pagan Calendar); WHY do you THINK you can observe Yahuwahās 7th Day ON THEIR 7th Day PAGAN WEEK?! As we said earlier, the typical Sabbath observer will ALWAYS rest on THE SAME DAY OF THE PAGAN WEEK; regardless of whether or not they observe a High Sabbath before the ā7th dayā!! Which is why, the Christian author Tertullian, pondered ā....if we devote the day of the Sun to festivity (from a far different reason than Sun worship) we are IN A SECOND PLACE [to] those who devote the day of Saturn [Satur-day]; themselves ALSO DEVIATING by way of a JEWISH CUSTOM of which they are ignorant.ā āApologia. What Tertullian is telling the 'early Christians' here, is that IIF they were to worship on the day of Saturn/Satur-day as the pagans; that they are not much different than those who celebrate on 'Sun-day' even though they may have a 'far different reason' than the pagans! The Christians worship on Sun-day, the Hebrews worship on Satur-day; BOTH ARE WRONG FOR NEITHER FOLLOWS THE SCRIPTURAL COMMAND OF YAHUWAH!!
Why did this EARLY Christian writer compare āSun-day worshippersā with āSatur-day Sabbatarainsā?? WHY did he say it was a DEVIATION from truth?? Also, WHY did he say that it was āA JEWISH CUSTOM of which they were ignorantā?? CLEARLY, at least some, āearly Christiansā DID NOT strictly observe Sun-day NOR SATUR-DAY as the Sabbath of Yahuwah!! In this quote, Tertullian CONFIRMED what we have since said ourselves; that THE JEWS gave us the Satur-day Sabbath tradition NOT Yahshar'el!! Regardless of what EXCUSE you may use for ONLY observing Satur-day as the Sabbath of Yahuwah; YOU ARE IN ERROR just as the Christians are for observing Sun-day!! For you BOTH are WORSHIPPING A SPECIFIC DAY OF THE PAGAN WEEK and NOT following Scripture! We have said MANY TIMES BEFORE; by ONLY observing āSatur-dayā as the Weekly Sabbath of Yahuwah, YOU ARE FOLLOWING A JEWISH TRADITION WHICH HAS VERY LITTLE BASIS IN SCRIPTURE!! Tertullian appears to validate our assertion!! Whereās my proof, you ask?? SCRIPTURE ITSELF, of course!! Despite what 'schedule' you may believe the Sabbath is on, CLEARLY Yah would have ENSURED that Yahshar'el observed His Sabbath on the 'right day' when He FIRST gave His Calendar to them. Correct?!

IIF you CAREFULLY, read Exodus 16:1-28; it should be CLEARLY APPARENT, that Yah proclaimed the 22nd day of the 2nd month to be His Weekly Sabbath Day. Therefore, assuming a repeating 7th day cycle, you will discover that the PREVIOUS Sabbaths were as follows: In the 2nd Month the 1st, 8th, 15th. For the 1st Month the 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th! Whoa!! What happened to the ā7th Dayā?! IIF the Sabbath day is to be observed on a perpetual 7 day cycle on the 7th Day of the Week; WHY isnāt the 7th nor 14th days of the 1st Month on Yahās Calendar to Yahshar'el, Sabbath Days?? Did Yah somehow āforgetā that every 7th day is a Sabbath Day?! HOW do you EXPLAIN THIS ā7th Day Observersā?! For MANY of you, would have us to believe, that it is ONLY AND ALWAYS about āsticking toā the 7th Day! Is that NOT what you have consistently demonstrated?? The Jews and Hebrews have led us to believe, that ācome hell or high waterā we are to STRICTLY observe the ā7th Dayā as the Sabbath of Yahuwah; yet Scripture PROVES OTHERWISE!! You cannot argue against THE FACT, that within THE VERY FIRST WEEK OF THE YEAR; Yahuwah DID NOT have Yahsharāel to observe a Sabbath Day on the 7th Day of the week!! Therefore, CLEARLY, Yahuwah DOES NOT consider the 7th day of the week, THE ONLY DAY on which His Weekly Sabbath is to be observed!! Yahuwah DID NOT have Yahshar'el to observe the '7th Day' on His own Calendar; yet you were led to believe that YOU MUST ALWAYS observe it on a Pagan Calendar?!?!
EVERY YEAR Yahuwahās Passover is to be observed ON THE 14TH DAY of the 1st Month! So HOW could one PREPARE THEIR LAMB BY FIRE to be eaten at dusk/twilight on the 14th IIF EVERY 7TH DAY IS A SABBATH UNTO YAHUWAH?! Our ancestors WOULD NEVER be able to perform this MOST SOLEMN requirement WITHOUT ALSO VIOLATING THE 4TH COMMANDMENT, IIF EVERY 7TH DAY IS A SABBATH DAY!! "What thing soever I command you, [be careful to] observe to do it; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." --Deuteronomy 12:32 "SIX DAYS THOU SHALT LABOUR and do all thy work." --Exodus 20:9 Therefore, the answer to our previous question (āAre we to āSTRICTLYā observe the ā7th Dayā regardless of what transpires in-betweenā?? ) IS A BIG FAT NO!! We know what TRADITION SAYS, we KNOW what the JEWS say; however, are you going to IGNORE what SCRIPTURE SHOWS YOU?! And Scripture shows us that the TRUE Sabbath of Yahuwah IS NOT āanchoredā to the 7th Day of the week!! "What thing soever I command you, [be careful to] observe to do it; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." --Deuteronomy 12:32 "SIX DAYS thou shalt do thy work and on the seventh day thou shalt rest..." --Exodus 23:12
So what if I asked you/them, what day follows the 7th Day? Naturally, one SHOULD answer the 1st Day! The 1st Day follows the Sabbath Day, correct?! Therefore clearly, what you consider the 7th Day is in practical application āthe 7th day since the last Weekly Sabbath Dayā! Additionally, when you consider THE FACT, that Yahuwah DID NOT have Yahshar'el to observe the ā7th dayā of the week as His Sabbath Day; therefore, what we are calling āa dayā is in reality a āWORK dayā! Now allow me to repeat thatā¦what we are calling āa dayā is actually a āWORK DAYā! So really what we are counting is six WORK DAYS until the next Sabbath Day!! Remember we have already PROVEN THRU SCRIPTURE that the Weekly Sabbath IS NOT ANCHORED to the 7th day of the week!! So WHY do 7th Day Sabbatarians INSIST that it is and continue in this TRADITION of the Jews?!
"What thing soever I command you, [be careful to] observe to do it; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." --Deuteronomy 12:32
"SIX DAYS thou shalt do thy work and on the seventh day thou shalt rest..." --Exodus 23:12 You CANNOT observe/find Yahuwah's TRUE Sabbath Day following A PAGAN CALENDAR! IT IS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE!! Again, IIF you don't really care whether or not you are actually observing His Sabbath IN TRUTH, according to the Command; keep it moving AND KNOW that I WILL SEE YOU on Judgment Day!!
So what ultimately makes a ā7th Dayā?? IIF you examine the original Hebrew when Yah speaks of the Weekly Sabbath; He describes it as a āShabbaton Shabbatā!
"And [Moses] said unto them, 'This is that which Yahuwah hath said; tomorrow is the Shabbaton[07677] of the holy Shabbat[07676] unto Yahuwah...." --Exodus 16:23 "Six days may work be done; but on the seventh is the Shabbat[07676] of Shabbaton[07677], holy to Yahuwah. Whosoever doeth any work in the Shabbat[07676] day, he shall surely be put to death." --Exodus 31:15 (Exodus 35:2, Leviticus 23:3) Yahuwah uses the same phrase when describing the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:31, Leviticus 23:32), Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24), Feast of Tabernacles/Booths (Leviticus 23:39) and the Sabbatical Year (Leviticus 25:4-5). Interestingly enough however; this phrase IS NOT used when describing the Monthly Sabbath, the Feast of Pentecost nor the High/Feast Days of Unleavened Bread! Nevertheless, WE KNOW that those days ARE SABBATHS as well, as they are described as HOLY CONVOCATIONS or 'set-apart gatherings before Yahuwah'! The only āconnectionā I can find, regarding the use of Shabbaton with a Sabbath, is that each referenced Sabbath is associated with a āfactor of Sevenā (7). The Weekly Sabbath is on the ā7th dayā and the other High/Yearly Sabbaths mentioned are within the 7th Month! However the Monthly Sabbath is associated with the 1st Day , Feast of Weeks/Pentecost falls within the 4th or 3rd Months depending upon your method of 'counting' and the Spring Feasts of Passover / Unleavened Bread are all associated with the 1st Month! But letās get back to the Weekly Sabbath. In our English translations, the Hebrew Shabbaton is translated as ārestā eight times and āSabbathā three times and I have serious issues with that. My issue is that IT IS TOTALLY REDUNDANT! We all know that Sabbath essentially means REST!! Rest is implied with Sabbath; there is really no need to repeat it TWICE!! "For in six days Yahuwah made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is and RESTED the seventh day; wherefore Yahuwah blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it." --Exodus 20:11 "...for in six days Yahuwah made heaven and earth and on the seventh day He RESTED and was refreshed." --Exodus 31:17 So to translate the Hebrew phrase āShabbaton Shabbatā as āSabbath of restā in the English is incredibly redundant! I mean really, is there another kind of āSabbathā wherein it DOES NOT involve us ārestingā from our work?! Of course not!! Are we to seriously believe, that Yahuwah called His Weekly Sabbath a ārest of restā?!?!
WHATEVER you may call it in the English; IT IS CLEAR that it involves a āfactor of 7ā! A Seventh Day Sabbath, a Seventh Month Sabbath and lastly the Seventh Year Sabbath; ALL prefaced with the Hebrew Shabbaton! Therefore I personally like to call it a āSevened Sabbathā! "Six days may work be done; but on the Seventh [day] is the [Sevened Sabbath], holy to Yahuwah..." --Exodus 31:15
"Speak unto the Children of Yahshar'el, saying, In the Seventh monthā¦shall ye have a [Sevened Sabbath], a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation." --Leviticus 23:24
"But in the Seventh year shall be a [Sevened Sabbath] unto the land, a Sabbath for Yahuwah..." --Leviticus 25:4
Allow me to summarize some previously established facts:
What we call āa dayā is actually A WORK DAY!
Yahuwah called the Weekly Sabbath a āShabbaton Shabbatā or āSevened Sabbathā
Now one thing we do agree with the 7th Day Sabbatarians on, is regarding the assertion, that a WEEKLY Sabbath MUST come after 6 WORKING days! It MUST be a COMPLETE WORK WEEK! So letās assume that the Day of Atonement lands upon the 4th Day of the Week.

Of course now, the 1st Day of the week will be your first work day. However, by the time the 4th day of the week arrives, you will find the Yearly Sabbath has arrived allowing you only 3 working days! Afterwards you will only have TWO working days before Satur-day arrives and you have to rest again! Therefore, instead of working a total of SIX DAYS before the '7th day' arrives; you will only have worked FIVE DAYS! So what do you do?? Well the typical 7th Day Sabbatarian, will still rest on the 7th Day regardless of how many days of work were performed between!
"SIX DAYS thou shalt do thy work and on the seventh day thou shalt rest..." --Exodus 23:12 "What thing soever I command you, [be careful to] observe to do it; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." --Deuteronomy 12:32 "SIX DAYS THOU SHALT LABOUR and do all thy work." --Exodus 20:9
Now, IIF they truly wanted to follow Scripture as commanded by Yahuwah; they would RESTART their WORK DAY count after EACH OBSERVED SABBATH (Monthly, Yearly and Weekly)!! The image below shows how one should TRULY count the '7th Day Sabbath' of Yahuwah!

As we have already PROVEN THRU SCRIPTURE, the TRUE Sabbath of Yahuwah IS NOT āanchoredā to the 7th Day of the week!! And those who continue to observe Satur-day as the Weekly Sabbath Day are NO LONGER FOLLOWING SCRIPTURE but an ancient pagan rite of observing Saturnās Day NOT Yahuwahās Sabbath Day!! So that 'begs the question'; exactly what makes the Weekly Sabbath the 7th Day??
"SIX DAYS thou shalt do thy work and on the seventh day thou shalt rest..." --Exodus 23:12 "SIX DAYS THOU SHALT LABOUR and do all thy work." --Exodus 20:9
"What thing soever I command you, [be careful to] observe to do it; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." --Deuteronomy 12:32
Hopefully, you should now CLEARLY see the fatal flaws/errors in trying to observe a repeating, never-ending so-called 7th day Sabbath when you DO NOT observe 6 consecutive work days prior to your 7th Day Sabbath, as is likely to occur within the 1st and 7th Months on the Calendar of Yahuwah! As we have demonstrated above, CLEARLY it is the observance/counting of SIX CONSECUTIVE WORK DAYS that make THE NEXT DAY a SEVENTH DAY Sabbath or else you are once again, FALSELY observing a specific day of the PAGAN WEEK!!
Now let's look at some REAL-LIFE examples using the precepts we just covered; by examining the 7th Month on the Calendar of Yahuwah......

On the 1st Day of the 7th Month, Yah commands that we observe a High Sabbath called the Feast Of Trumpets! Therefore we have our FIRST WORK DAY on the 2nd Day of that Month; after completing 6 Work days (according to the Commandment) we arrive at the 8th Day of the 7th Month wherein we have our VERY FIRST Weekly Sabbath Day. After that Weekly Sabbath observance we restart our working day count and have our next Work Day on the 9th Day of the Month. Now on the 10th Day of the 7th Month, Yah commands the observance of another High Sabbath called the Day Of Atonement! After that High Sabbath/Feast Day observance, we have our next work day on the 11th Day of the Month and we once again restart our Working Day Count; however, on the 15th day of the 7th Month, Yah commands the we observe another High Sabbath Day (1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles) allowing us only four working days between Sabbaths! Once again, after that High Sabbath observance, we restart our working day count and have our next Work Day on the 16th Day of the Month. After completing 6 Work days (according to the Commandment) we arrive at the 22nd Day of the 7th Month wherein we have our last commanded High Sabbath observance (Last Day, Feast of Tabernacles)! Again, after that High Sabbath observance, we restart our working day count and have our next Work Day on the 23rd Day of the Month. After completing 6 Work days (according to the Commandment) we arrive at the 29th Day of the 7th Month wherein we have our last Weekly Sabbath Day of the Month.
Now we will examine a typical Month on the Calendar of Yahuwah; which coincidentally, exactly matches the layout of the 7th Month! Quick note; despite the graphic below; WE DO NOT observe the Moon for anything whatsoever.....

Now on the 1st Day of EACH MONTH, Yah commands that we observe a High Sabbath (Psalm 81:3-4, Amos 8:5, Ezekiel 46:1-3, Isaiah 66:22-23); we shall call it 'New Month Day'! We have already covered all of the relevant verses in many studies/videos which PROVE this doctrine; be sure to view them all, if you haven't already! Also know and understand, that whenever you find the phrase 'New Moon' in Scripture it is Strongs#2320 Khodesh which means MONTH or 'New Month' and NOT the actual Hebrew word for Moon which is Strongs#3394 Yareach. So Yahshar'el was NOT observing the moon but the 1st Day of the MONTH as commanded by YAH all throughout Scripture. This is somewhat similar to the Christians 'First Sunday'; as they too consider it to be a 'special' day of worship!
So after the observance of New Month Day; we have our FIRST WORK DAY on the 2nd Day of that Month. Now after completing 6 Work days (according to the Commandment) we arrive at the 8th Day of the Month wherein we have our VERY FIRST Weekly Sabbath Day. After that Weekly Sabbath observance we restart our working day count and have our next Work Day on the 9th Day of the Month. After completing 6 Work days (according to the Commandment) we arrive at the 15th Day of the Month and observe our second Weekly Sabbath Day. Once again, after that Weekly Sabbath observance we restart our working day count and have our next Work Day on the 16th Day of the Month. After completing another 6 Working days (according to the Commandment) we arrive at the 22nd Day of the Month and observe our third Weekly Sabbath Day. After that Weekly Sabbath observance we restart our working day count and have our next Work Day on the 23rd Day of the Month. After completing 6 more Work days (according to the Commandment) we arrive at the 29th Day of the Month and observe our last Weekly Sabbath Day of the Month. This pattern repeats itself for each month on the Calendar of Yahuwah; with the most notable exception being the 1st Month. Therefore we will examine the unique circumstance in counting the 7-day Sabbath in the 1st Month of the Year.......

On the 1st Day of the 1st Month, we observe the High Sabbath of 'New Month' according to the Command! After that High Sabbath Day, we have our FIRST WORK DAY on the 2nd Day of that Month. Now after completing 6 Work days (according to the Commandment) we arrive at the 8th Day of the 1st Month wherein we have our VERY FIRST Weekly Sabbath Day. After that Weekly Sabbath observance we restart our working day count on the 9th Day of the Month. Now on the 14th Day of the 1st Month; Yah commands that we prepare for Passover which occurs at twilight just before Sun down towards the end of the 14th day! Unlike the other Feast Days, Passover is NOT a Sabbath but a regular work day! However on the 15th day of the 1st Month; Yah commands the observance of another High Sabbath called the Feast of Unleavened Bread! This feast is actually a 7-day event with a High Sabbath observance commanded on the 1st day of the Feast (15th day of the 1st Month) and the last day of the feast (21st day of the 1st Month). After that High Sabbath observance (on the 15th) we have our next work day on the 16th day of the 1st Month! Now after completing 5 Work days we arrive at the 21st Day of the 1st Month wherein we have the last day of Unleavened Bread, a commanded High Sabbath Day! Now normally the 22nd day of the Month is a Weekly Sabbath Day; however, because Yah commands that we observe a High Sabbath Day on the 21st day of the 1st Month (the Last Day of Unleavened Bread) we restart our working day count on the 22nd Day of the Month. After completing another 6 Working days (according to the Commandment) we arrive at the 28th Day of the 1st Month and observe our third Weekly Sabbath Day. After that Weekly Sabbath observance we restart our working day count and have our next Work Days on the 29th and 30th Days of the 1st Month before the month comes to an end and we restart the Monthly cycle all over again as laid out in the 'typical Month' example above!
We hope you now understand the proper method for counting the 7th Day Sabbath of Yahuwah and how it is NOT anchored to any specific day of the week or month! Sadly, many simply COMPLETELY IGNORE the Monthly High Sabbath Day of Yahuwah despite MULTIPLE Scriptural verses confirming it's existence and lawful requirement! Until one begins to observe the Monthly High Sabbath Day of 'New Month'; one cannot truly find and observe the Weekly 7th Day Sabbath of Yahuwah!
"And ALL the Children of Yahshar'el will forget and will not find the path of the years and will forget the Months and Seasons and Sabbaths and they will go wrong as to all the order of the yearsā¦and walk according to the feasts of the Gentiles after their error and after their ignorance..." --Jubilees 6:34-36
Are you ready to abandon the tradition (Satur-day Sabbaths), the error (observing the 7th day of a Pagan Calendar) and the (Monthly High Sabbath Day) ignorance of the Jews/Gentiles and follow the Word of Yahuwah and His Word alone?!?!